Tuesday, 27 September 2011


I did it!!! After setting up my site, then forgetting my password - hotmail regretted to inform me that I have not supplied enough information for them to give it to me. I had to set up a new one, I even tried twice!! Stupid memory loss...Anyhow, I now have my blog. http://www.watermelonkids.blogspot.com/ It is not my original title as I obviously cannot use my first one, but alas it will do. It includes two of my favourite things...kids and watermelon.

Because of my circumstances, I find myself with lots of time. I use much of it looking for things to do with my little friends. I would make a great mom if I could just adopt...but that is another story...Anyhow, I don't cook so you won't find any recipes here, but I do crafts, scrapbook, take pictures etc. I love to share stuff my friends do, so if you have anything you want posted...I love, and I mean love anything to do with ORGANIZING. I often post great Sunday School or VBS stuff I've used or borrowed in the past. And finally, if it will help you, humour you, humble you or even honour you...I want to blog about it...Enjoy

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